We have an active college ministry with a full-time campus minister and up to 6 interns working diligently to provide a faith based community of worship, support, spiritual growth, friendship, and entertainment while at MSU or surrounding colleges.
Youth Ministry
We love and celebrate children of all ages at the Starkville church of Christ. We offer multiple nurseries for children 0-4 years of age. We have Bible classes for children of all ages every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. We have a youth minister (Justin Easley) who oversees activities for children in Kindergarten through High School, including a very active teen ministry. We also have a program called "Rooted" that seeks to encourage children to learn God's Word. We would love to share the love and message of Jesus with you and your children.
Small Groups
We believe in the importance of sharing our lives with one another and discussing God's Word together in small groups. Our small group ministry connects people relationally so they can navigate life's hurdles as disciples of Christ together.
LIFT stands for Living in Faith and Thanksgiving. This ministry offers monthly activities to people age 60 and above. We share meals together, play games, sing, and enjoy various types of joyous fellowship.
Young Adults
Our young adult ministry offers regular events for people age 21-35. Strong connections help young adults to have a strong peer group to lean on as they navigate being single, getting married, starting careers, having children and many other life challenges. We have cookouts, go on trips, do service projects, and have various other activities throughout the year.
There is a Ladies Beach Retreat each year in January, where women study God's Word together, while surrounded by the beauty of God's creation. We also offer a weekly Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays during portions of the Spring and Fall of each year. Our ladies also celebrate weddings and births with wedding and baby showers. We believe in rejoicing with those who are rejoicing.
The men of our congregation have a Guy's Burger Night on the first Thursday of every month at Mugshots in Starkville to help build relationships amongst our brothers in Christ around the table together.